
多読教材#11 Should the Voting Age Be Lowered?




#10に引き続き, Time for Kids より。わずか約420 wordsという素材です。英語圏の小5-6対象となっている教材ですが, 日本では高校の教材に採用されていたり, 中堅までの大学入試でも登場することがあります。ちょうど, 共通テスト英語(旧センター試験)くらいのレベルの英文なので非常に読みやすいですよ。また, 今回は10歳の子どもによる投書のような形式です。論理構成も表現も, 大学受験や英検準1級や2級の自由作文に活用できる優れもので, 日本人の高校3年〜大学1年生くらいの学生が書くようなレベルですので, 書き方や使っている表現を借用して覚えてしまえば試験に活かせるでしょう。


TIME for Kidsとは






Should the Voting Age Be Lowered?

TFK Kid Reporter Sophia Hou and TFK Kid Reporter Miguel Madero


約420 words



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Should the Voting Age Be Lowered?

To vote for president of the United States, a person must be 18 years old. In the U.S., the voting age was 21 before the Vietnam War. It was lowered to 18 by the 26th Amendment to the Constitution, in 1971. Today, many young people are showing a commitment to civic engagement. But they’re not able to vote. In the U.S., some cities and towns allow 16-year-olds to vote in smaller elections. In several places in Maryland, for example, kids that age can vote in local elections.

In 2019, the U.S. House of Representatives rejected an amendment proposing that the voting age be lowered to 16. In some countries, including Argentina, Brazil, and Scotland, 16-year-olds have the option to vote. Here, TFK Kid Reporters Sophia Hou and Miguel Madero debate whether the voting age in the U.S. should be lowered. What do you think?


By Sophia Hou, 11

Short Hills, New Jersey

Lowering the voting age to 16 would be good for democracy. It would increase civic engagement at an earlier age. Young people would be more interested in learning about issues that affect their community and the world if they knew their voices would be heard sooner. They’d want to be involved in shaping their future and would be more likely to become lifelong voters.

Young people might have different opinions from adults. Different perspectives are valuable. They can open people’s minds to novel ideas that can change the world. If the voting age were lowered, it’d shed light on new ideas. Everyone’s voice, including young people’s, should count at election time. After all, isn’t that what a democracy is supposed to be about?


By Miguel Madero, 10

San Antonio, Texas

Before the Vietnam War, the voting age was 21. When 18-year-olds went to war, they said that if they were old enough to fight for their country, they should be able to vote. The country changed its rules, and the voting age became 18. Now there are people trying to change that to 17 or 16. The argument is, if they can drive, they can vote. I don’t think they should lower the voting age again. Voting is a right, but it is also a responsibility.

A 16-year-old does not have the same maturity as an 18-year-old. They may vote for someone because he or she is popular. They may not realize how much an election can affect the country. Maybe they won’t even be informed or interested enough to vote. So I think the voting age should stay where it is.

The next debate! Do we still need movie theaters? Email your opinion to tfkeditors@time.com by October 23. Your response might be featured in an upcoming issue.




1. 16歳に引き下げるのは民主主義にとって良いことだもん
2. 若い人たちのほうが大人よりも考え方が多様だよ

1. 責任が伴うものだよね
2. 18歳と違って, 16歳はまだ未熟だよ 2' 人気者だからという理由だけで投票する子もいるかも

Summary: Neyo O


I totally agree with Sophia. Younger people tend to get interested in a wider variety of areas than adults, which is partly 'cause they are in the middle of the formative years. Their new ideas and viewpoints, if 16-year-old children have the right to go to the polls,  will have a big effect on politics. Btw, Sophia and Miguel are just 10 years old, huh? They are super mature!

Eric S
