ライティング/作文 大学受験



Hey guys. 代表Okadaです。





自動運転車(AIと人間/仕事の関係も)自動運転車に賛成かAI (機械の自動化)は人間の仕事を奪うか機械の自動化による利点・欠点
文系(特に芸術系) VS. 理系文系科目と理系科目どちらを学ぶべきか
グループか個人か(à勉強法 / 授業スタイル / 生活)グループ学習と個人の学習どちらがよいか従来型の授業方法と双方向型の授業方法のどちらがよいか1人暮らしがよいか寮[orシェアハウス]で暮らすのがよいか
翻訳ツールがあるのに (小学校から)英語学習/外国語学習早期に英語を学び始めるのは良いことか翻訳デバイスがあるのに第2外国語を学ぶことにどんな意義があるか
Social Media [SNS] / ゲームorネット中毒 / ネットInstagramなどのSNSの利点・欠点政治家がSNSを使う利点増加しているネット中毒をどう解決するか
電子書籍 VS 紙 (タブレット VS. ノート)電子書籍と紙どちらで本を読みたいかタブレットと紙のノートどちらでノートをとりたいか



校則 -制服 -髪型校則は生徒に決めさせるべきか学校は生徒の髪型を制限すべきか
ブラック部活 -地域移行(教員の働きすぎ↓)部活動が教員以外に指導されているが、どう思うか
ジェンダー -LGBTQ+同性婚は認めるべきか
自転車 -ヘルメット着用義務 -電動自転車 -シェアサイクル自転車でのヘルメット義務化に賛成かシェアサイクルに賛成か
SDGs -特に環境最も環境汚染の原因となっていると思うものは何か
成人年齢(18歳に引き下げられた) -飲酒年齢、喫煙年齢、クレジットカード契約飲酒年齢/喫煙年齢を引き下げでもよいかティーン・エイジャーがクレジットカードを利用できる利点・欠点
物価高騰 VS. 給与上がらない日本人の給与額は先進国の中では低いが、どうすればあげられるか
働き方 非正規労働者の数が増えているがどう思うかリモートワークに賛成か


1 戦争


2 ECサイトの普及と配達の問題




Robots should be used in place of humans in certain tasks. There are several reasons for this. One reason is that they can help solve workforce shortages. Recently, the labor force has been decreasing due to a falling birth rate and an aging population. The number of people who can work is limited, making the use of robots an efficient solution. Another reason is that the introduction of robots can lead to a reduction in labor costs. For instance, during busy hours at a convenience store, at least two staff members are typically needed. However, by using robots, only one staff member or no staff members at all may be required. Additionally, robots can provide us with more free time. For example, Roomba, a robotic vacuum cleaner, can keep floors clean automatically, allowing us to spend more time on other creative work. We should make good use of the latest technology, such as robots.(154 words)

Model Outline

S1 労働力不足解消 
1’ (背景)少子高齢化 
2 人件費削減 
2’ 例. コンビニ 
3 自由時間増 
3’' 創造的な仕事が可能


労働力不足に対する解決策は, AI技術・テクノロジー全般(タブレット・スマホ・電子決済・電子化など)の革新を進めていくのが最も効果が上がると考えられています【基本的に AIの労働の活用 = 労働力・人手不足の解消の切り札】また, 労働力不足を補う対策として現在進行中なのが外国人労働者を雇用する(フィリピン・ベトナム・ブラジル・ネパールが主)ことです。しかし, 低賃金労働を強いる中小企業(特に, 介護・繊維業)が蔓延。問題視されています。



 If self-driving cars become widely used, they could bring about two significant changes. One of the biggest changes is that self-driving cars could help reduce traffic congestion. Equipped with AI, they can adjust their speed or choose the best route depending on the situation, potentially preventing traffic jams. Another potential change is a decrease in car accidents. These days, many elderly drivers cause accidents due to lapses in attention, such as pressing the accelerator instead of the brake. Self-driving cars, on the other hand, make decisions controlled by computers, potentially reducing accidents.(92 words)

Model Outline

S1 渋滞緩和
1’AI搭載のため, 渋滞が起こらないように状況に応じてスピード調整や 通るべき道路を選択可能
2 交通事故減少



・物流用のトラックの無人化の動きが現在超活発→ 1 人件費削減が可能  2 人手不足の解消

(高齢化でドライバーが減少中, 2020年時点で10万人のドライバーが不足する)


③ 外国人観光客の日本での体験をよりよいものにするために何ができるか?(2017九州大)

To improve the experiences of international tourists in Japan, Japanese people can focus on improving their English speaking skills. According to a survey, almost all tourists who visit Japan have difficulty communicating with locals because many Japanese people cannot speak English well or understand what travelers want to say. To address this issue, the government should make more radical reforms to English education in schools. While some schools have recently shifted their focus from reading and writing to listening and speaking, they have yet to achieve significant improvements. The more fluently Japanese people speak English, the more satisfied tourists will be with their experiences in Japan.(106 words)

Sある調査では, 外国人観光客のほとんどがコミュニケーションに苦労
解決策': 特にSpeaking力強化


 Topicに「IT(AIロボット, タブレット, スマホなど)をさらに技術革新していく」という内容をおくのもかなり洞察力がある。近年, 電子機器の同時通訳機能が大幅に改善されているので, 今後はスマホを持ちつつ母国語で外国人とスムーズに会話をすることができるかも。となると, 英語力を伸ばす必要性(英語教育の必要性)はないという視点もあるかもしれませんが、この視点への反論として、英語は言語だけじゃなく、文化や考え方の違いを学ぶ。それは社会で活躍するために必要なスキルだ、などと展開していけばよいでしょう。近年の入試は長文も自由英作文もAI」「テクノロジー」「SNS /スマホ」「外国人」がトピックとしてと流行。なお SNSは英語では social mediaが自然な英語です。



Banning smoking in public places is a good policy for several reasons. First and foremost, the ban is beneficial for nonsmokers who would otherwise be exposed to secondhand smoke. This exposure can increase their risk of heart disease, blood vessel disease, and lung cancer. Another reason to support the ban is that it is environmentally friendly. Cigarette butts, if carelessly discarded, do not break down naturally and can have a detrimental impact on the environment. Reducing the number of cigarette butts in public spaces can help mitigate this effect. For these reasons, it is crucial to establish smoke-free environments in public places. (102 words) 

S1 非喫煙者にとって良い
2 環境に良い


Banning smoking in public places is not a good idea. One reason for this is that smokers are unable to relieve their stress. Smokers often smoke during work breaks as a way to switch gears, similar to how nonsmokers may exercise or drink coffee. Smoking helps them refocus on their work. Another reason is the potential impact on employment. If the number of smokers decreases, fewer people will buy tobacco, leading to a rapid decline in the tobacco industry and a high unemployment rate among tobacco workers. Finally, some argue that such a ban violates human rights and can cause conflict. (101 words) 

T 公共の場における喫煙禁止は良いルールじゃない
S1 喫煙者がストレス発散できない
1’ 気分転換のためのもの
2 タバコ産業における失業者
2’ タバコを買わなくなるから




One skill needed to succeed in today's society is having good communication skills. With globalization on the rise, it's necessary to communicate not only with people from your country but also from other countries. Without effective communication skills, it can be difficult to work collaboratively and effectively. Another important skill is having strong computer skills. In today's workplace, technology is rapidly advancing, and companies provide employees with computers to complete their work. Most business reports are also expected to be sent via email. Having strong computer skills can make you more competitive and successful in your career.

(97 words)





問題. 次の英文の指示に従い,100~120語程度の英語の文章を書きなさい。

It is sometimes important to be able to work with a group of people. Provide an example from your own experiences of working with others and discuss the benefits and difficulties of such group work.

In my high school days, I participated in many group discussions in class. Each group had six members and our teacher assigned a theme to be discussed. For example, one of the themes was “Are you for or against the use of smartphones in high school?” Through these activities, I was able to broaden my perspective since each member had different ideas. Additionally, I realized the importance of accepting individual differences. However, it was difficult to choose a facilitator for each group. Furthermore, Japanese high school students tend to be shy and feel embarrassed about expressing their opinions, which made many of the discussions less active.(106 words)


2項対立(+と− 両方の記述が求められる)の英作文の書き方

One of the advantages is that ~ . …(肉付け)…. On the other hand, one disadvantage is that ~ . …. といった型で書くと論理関係が明確になります。ポイントは①それぞれの肉付けを最低1センテンス使って盛り込む ②+−が逆転したことを対比DMで表明するの2点。なお、英語圏では日本語のメリットに最も近いのがadvantageです。

2023年度入試の視点 グループでするか, 1人でするか は①授業形態(一方向vs双方向)②勉強 ③食事 ④住まい(寮やひとり暮らし) など想定される状況は様々あり社会的関心が高いため, 2017年より流行中。オンラインレッスンがよいか、対面レッスンがよいかなどのトピックのブレインストーミングをしておいてもよいでしょう。


The increase in the number of female managers in government and companies will have a positive impact on Japanese society in two ways. Firstly, it will lead to economic growth by creating an environment where more women can return to work soon after childbirth, thus solving the current labor shortage. Secondly, it will make it easier for male workers to take paternity leave. This will allow fathers to spend more time with their children and decrease the burden on mothers.(80 words)

S1 経済成長へ
1’ 女性が職場復帰できる環境が作られる 
2 男性もより簡単に育休が取れる 



問題. 次の英文を読み,指示に従って英語で答えなさい。

  Suppose there is a campaign in your area asking people for ideas to promote tourism. If you take part in this campaign, what would you introduce about your hometown? Think about the best way to attract visitors, for example, by promoting special food products, nice tourist spots, or annual festivals. Write a detailed answer in about 10 lines.

As a resident of my hometown, I would like to promote our traditional food and annual festivals to attract more tourists. Our city is known for its mouth-watering local cuisine that has been passed down for generations. By showcasing these unique dishes, such as our famous seafood dishes and sweet desserts, we can entice tourists to try something new and exciting. In addition, our city hosts several annual festivals that are full of lively music, dance, and cultural performances, such as our Cherry Blossom Festival and Lantern Festival. By highlighting these events, we can show visitors the rich cultural heritage of our city and provide them with a unique and unforgettable experience. In order to do a further promotion, I would make good use of social media, especially Instagram and YouTube. 

S2'例. ランタンフェスティバルなど
C' さらならプロモーションとしてSNS(Youtubeなど)を利用することも忘れない


「構成点」が採点基準の一つにあります。特に, 具体的説明がなされているかによって評価が変わります。具体的な固有名詞や数値をおくと, 説得力がより増し高得点を取りやすくなります。ただし普段書き慣れていない場合はエラーを多発する可能性がありますから、事前準備ができていない場合はいつもどおりで攻めましょう。


Children should be allowed to have smartphones or tablets at the age of 6 to 7, but their use should be restricted during school hours. Having these devices at an earlier age can be very helpful in many ways. For instance, they can be used in case of emergency. Many children who had them during the earthquake disaster in Tohoku were saved because it was easy to find them using their electronic signals. Moreover, these devices can also broaden their minds by enabling children to communicate with people from other countries. This helps them understand that people have different ideas and perspectives, which can lead to greater mental independence and open-mindedness. (111 words)

S1 緊急時に役立つ 
2 視野が広がる
2’ 外国人とやりとりで使えるため、違った考えがあることを効率よく知れる


⑩ 大学進学することのメリットは?(2013年・都留文化大・中期)

The greatest advantage of attending a university is the opportunity to broaden your perspective. Universities have a diverse community of students from various countries and cultures, allowing you to learn about different values and beliefs through interactions with them. This exposure to a variety of ideas and perspectives can help you develop a more open-minded and tolerant worldview, which is essential in today's globalized society.(65 words)

- 彼らと関われば知らないことを多く学ぶことができる
- (幅広い視野で物事を捉えることは)グローバル化している社会の中で求められるスキル


他にも, 「専門性が追求できる」「就職した際の固定給が高くなる」なども良いでしょう。あまり印象が良くないのが, 「やりたいことを見つけることができる」というものです。この考え方自体は間違っていませんが, 大学側からすると「やりたいことがあるから受験しにきたんでしょ」という大前提を持っています。ただし, 論理性・説得力があるのならば減点のしようがないので, 「将来の夢を見つけることができる」といった内容を書いてはダメ, ということではありません。まだやりたいことが決まっていない人のために、総合学科や学部が2年次〜決まる東大などは実際にあります。


My favorite subject is English for several reasons. First, when I speak English, I tend to have a more positive mindset than when I speak Japanese. English speakers often greet each other with phrases like "how's it going?" and respond with positive words like "good" or "very good" even if they feel tired. This kind of language reinforces positivity, which can help cultivate a positive attitude. Second, English is a very useful subject for the future. Having English proficiency can open up many opportunities even after graduating from school, such as working for foreign companies or communicating with international clients. Lastly, studying English broadens your perspective. In high school, I read about Rosa Parks, an African American woman who faced discrimination. Through studying English, I learned about different cultures and countries, and it gave me a greater understanding of the struggles faced by marginalized groups. For these reasons, I enjoy studying English.

S3 視野が広がる
-高校時代. Rosa Parksの話を読んで, 文化・国々の問題点を学習


英語 に絡んだ問題が流行中。英語の良い点, 悪い点を踏まえてアウトラインを作っておくとよいでしょう。翻訳機の発達があるのに英語は学ばなくてもいいじゃない?というトピックであれば、英語=文化や考え方を学ぶ という視点で語ることができます。

⑫ アジア地域における日本人の海外留学生数について(2011年・富山大)

The total number of Asian students studying in the United States is more than twice the number of those from European countries. However, the number of Japanese students is the smallest among the main Asian countries. One reason is the economic depression in Japan, which has made it increasingly difficult for students to afford studying abroad. Another reason is the advancement of the internet, which has made it possible to communicate with people from different countries using smartphones and tablets. Now, we can take online English lessons from native speakers at a very low cost. For instance, DMM, a major company in Japan, provides 30-minute online English lessons for 5,000 yen per month.

- スマホ・タブレットで外国人とやりとり可能
- 英会話レッスンは超低価格 (例)DMM英会話


 どのトピックが出題されても, 得意な持ちネタにすり替えられるようにしておくと本番で楽ができます。本番でテーマに対するネタが浮かばない場合の打開策に有効です。例えば, 「ネット・スマホ(携帯電話)・タブレット」。「公共の場での喫煙はありかなしか?」のお題に対して, なしの方向性で書くとすると, 「健康問題」「受動喫煙」「ポイ捨て(環境汚染)」がすぐに浮かぶ内容でしょう。ただし, 浮かばなかった場合に, 「スマホと同様に, タバコには依存性がある」と言った書き方もできます。また, 賛成方向で書く場合に「ただし, 監視カメラ(ネット)を利用することでポイ捨てが起こらないよう環境作りをする」といった内容を付け足すこともできます。受験生レベルならば, 「ネット・スマホ・タブレットを使えば視野が広がる(=broaden your mind)」という切り口が簡単でしょう。気候変動など環境ネタとは相性が悪いですが、例えば、気候変動の中私たちにできることは?というトピックなら、キャッシュレス決済を使うようにする。紙資源の無駄がなくなる。なども考えられます。スマホなどはたくさんの情報を瞬時に得られるし, 異なった文化圏の海外の人ともすぐにやりとりができます。こういう鉄板持ちネタを事前用意しておくこと。



I would give him three pieces of advice to convince him of the benefits of graduating from high school. Firstly, without a high school diploma, it can be difficult to find a job. In the early 90s, the economic bubble burst, leading to an increase in job losses. Even university graduates have had difficulty finding new jobs. Secondly, if he drops out of school, his salary will likely be lower, even if he manages to get a good job. Generally, those who don't complete high school earn less than 150,000 yen per month. Thirdly, graduating from high school can broaden his mind. By finishing high school, he will have many opportunities to meet people with different ideas and perspectives. Universities have students from many different countries and majors, providing the chance to learn about individual differences. I would explain these benefits and difficulties to him.(145 words)



 このtopicは妄想的なものなので、あり得ないと考えられる箇所は全て仮定法を使いましょう。パラフレージングを意識するあまり、最初はwouldだったのに、最後にwantになってしまうという誤りが多いので気をつけてください。want to はwould like toにすると仮定法になります。


"One of the biggest mistakes I made in high school was not being able to continue with my club activity. I couldn't stick with anything for long during that time. I played table tennis, but I gave up in my second year because I kept losing games. However, one of my friends who kept practicing went on to win the national championship. I was really shocked and envious because I was not any worse at playing than he was. Through this experience, I realized that perseverance leads to great success. So I have decided not to give up on anything during my university days.(104 words)

サブ高校時代, 継続力なかった
-卓球部所属だったが, 試合に勝てずやめた
-ショック・羨望 ← 彼のほうが下手だったから
教訓教訓 継続 = 大きな成果 → 大学では何も投げ出さない


  メイン+サブ+ (エピソードなら)感情 を盛り込む



You received this e-mail from your friend in Australia. Write an e-mail reply using approximately 75-100 words. DO NOT write your name in your answer. Answer in English.

Hi (      ),

My family is planning to take a trip during the school holidays, but we can’t decide where to go. We all like different things! Do you often go on trips with your family? What do you all like to do on holiday?


Dear Sally,

Thank you for your e-mail.


Thank you for your e-mail. It must be tough to decide where to go if everyone in your family prefers different kinds of holidays. In my family, we take short holidays twice a year. In the summer, we rent a villa on the Shonan coast for five days. My father and mother love water sports, and they were both part of the same surfing group in university. My sister has taken up surfing as well, so while they are out riding the waves, I usually relax on the beach. In the winter, my mother, sister, and I go snowboarding in Hakuba, which is a popular resort in Nagano. Unfortunately, my father can't stand the cold, so he stays home.


・パラグラフを変える際は, 1行分空ける

②書き手が目上の人「丁寧表現」を使う(←→ 友人であれば丁寧表現を避ける)

③ ①以外は一般的な自由英作文と求められることは同じ。


⑯ In ONE sentence, describe the trend shown in Graph 1.(2017早稲田・法)

The world population will increase very much from 1860 to 2100, but the population will start declining after it reaches its peak(, 8 billion,) in 2040.

グラフの説明問題 の採点




Fukuoka English Gymでこれまで特集してきたトピックのモデルアンサーやアウトラインは下記のURLよりご確認いただけます。



  • この世から突然インターネットがなくなってしまったら、世界はどうなってしまうと思いますか(2023産業医科大)
  • 政府は宇宙探査にもっとお金をかけるべきか(2022埼玉大)
  • 翻訳機器の精度が上がる中、外国語を学ぶことは時間の無駄か(2019新潟大)
  • 将来地元で生産された食べ物を買う人が増えるか?(2019年度英検2級第3回)
  • 日本政府は芸術への補助金を減らすべきか(2020年慶應・経済/2022年東京大/2020広島市立大/2017年名古屋大)
  • 幸福な人生にとって重要なものは?(2022熊本大)
  • 高校生の制服の是非(2017東北大、2020中央大)
  • 日本の2030 年のエネルギー割合の目標に賛成か反対か? 【- SDGs の視点から-】(2017佐賀大)
  • 若者に選挙に行かせるには(2020熊本大)
  • 健康であるためにどのようなことをしているか, あるいは, したいか(2015年広島大)
  • 和食をもっと食べるべき?(2016年広島大)
  • プラスチック廃棄物による汚染問題に関するあなたの意見を書きなさい。(2019広島市立大・2019九州大[後期])
  • 2022年九州大英語・第5問 グラフ英作文の解答例と出題意図

-ライティング/作文, 大学受験