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●Learn a New Lingo While Doing Something Else
By Veronique Greenwood on January 1, 2017
●word数:約400 words
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Learn a New Lingo While Doing Something Else
Hearing a foreign language in the background can help you learn it faster, even if you are not paying attention
Baffling grammar, strange vowels, quirky idioms and so many new words—all of this makes learning a new language hard work. Luckily, researchers have discovered a number of helpful tricks, ranging from exposing your ears to a variety of native speakers to going to sleep soon after a practice session. A pair of recent papers suggests that even when you are not actively studying, what you hear can affect your learning and that sometimes listening without speaking works best.
In one study, published in 2015 in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, linguists found that people who took breaks from learning new sounds performed just as well as those who took no breaks, as long as the sounds continued to play in the background. The researchers trained two groups of people to distinguish among trios of similar sounds—for instance, Hindi has “p,” “b” and a third sound English speakers mistake for “b.” One group practiced telling these apart one hour a day for two days. Another group alternated between 10 minutes of the task and 10 minutes of a “distractor” task that involved matching symbols on a worksheet while the sounds continued to play in the background. Remarkably, the group that switched between tasks improved just as much as the one that focused on the distinguishing task the entire time. “There's something about our brains that makes it possible to take advantage of the things you've already paid attention to and to keep paying attention to them,” even when you are focused on something else, suggests Melissa Baese-Berk, a linguist at the University of Oregon and a co-author of the study.
In a 2016 study published in the Journal of Memory and Language, Baese-Berk and another colleague found that it is better to listen to new sounds silently rather than practice saying them yourself at the same time. Spanish speakers learning to distinguish among sounds in the Basque language performed more poorly when they were asked to repeat one of the sounds during training. The findings square with what many teachers have intuited—that a combination of focused practice and passive exposure to a language is the best approach. “You need to come to class and pay attention,” Baese-Berk says, “but when you go home, turn on the TV or turn on the radio in that language while you're cooking dinner, and even if you're not paying total attention to it, it's going to help you.”
外国語を学ぶのに効果的な方法をこれまで様々な研究者が様々な方法を提唱してきたが, 最近行われた研究によって, 能動的に勉強していない場合でも, 聞いているものが学習に影響を与える。スピーキングをせずリスニングをするだけでもスピーキングの効果が上がることもある。
2015年の研究:被験者に新しい音声を習得させる際に, その音声を休憩中にBGMとして流したグループの方が成績が良かった。つまり, 他のことをしながらでも外国語のリスニング学習効果はある。私たちの脳の性質としてすでに注意を払ったものは他のことに焦点を当てていても活用しようとするため。
2016年の研究:新しい音声の場合は音読よりも黙読の方が効果が上がった。つまり, 新たに習得したい音声は受動学習でも効果があるということだ。例えば料理をしながら学んでいる言語をTVやラジオで流すのは, 意識を向けていなくても, 役立つ。
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私は, これは単体で使うと効果が思ったほど上がらない, と考えています。外国語を使いこなせるようになるには, リスニングというインプットに加えて, スピーキングによるアウトプットが必須です。私たちの頭はアウトプットで定着・運用レベルの引き上げができるようになっているからです。
しかし, 今回研究により分かったのは, すでにインプットしたものに関してはBGMとして流すことでも学習効果が高まるというものです。だから, 日常生活の中で英語環境を整えて英語のリスニングを自動化する仕組みづくりが学習効果を格段に高めてくれるということになります。一度観た海外ドラマを家事の合間にNetflixで流しっぱなしにしておく, 月曜に聴いたラジオ英会話を火曜からBGMにする。私はNetflixのヘビーユーザーですが, すでに観た海外ドラマは徒歩や電車での通勤の際に(事前に端末にDownloadしておいて)流しています。実際かなり効果があることを実感しています。
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