



Hey guys. 代表Okadaです。








Recently I've realized that I use my smartphone too often.

のようにしてもよいでしょう。「気になり出した」はhave come to care aboutのような書き方が普通でしょうが、パラグラフ最後に「減らしたい」とあるので、「やめたいと思い始めている」と考えて、These days I use my smartphone too often. I feel like stopping this.のようにしても問題ないでしょう。







  • 最新傾向:2021, 2022とややカジュアルな日本文が出題
  • 旧傾向(2020年以前):アナウンス系が3回、メールがフォーマルなパターンとカジュアルなパターンで合計2回
  • 新旧の共通の傾向:実生活に密着した日本文が出題される



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*「以上」はThank you, やBest wishes, (+一つ下のラインに送り主)が定番ですが、下部でThank you …を使っているので省略しています。


  • 硬派な日本語の出題
  • 標準的な日本語の出題







Exercise 1

Translate the following passage from Japanese into English.




Model Answer

Many traditional products made in Japan have a reputation for high quality. These products, such as Japanese paper, are made with skills that have been passed down for generations. Today, more people are worried that such skills are disappearing, so they are trying to encourage others to use traditional products. Some communities in Japan are attracting tourists with their traditional products. Now tradition, in other words, culture is one of the best ways to make more foreigners interested in Japan.

But Japan has more things left to do so. Japan should make good use of the ability of art.

Take South Korea, for example. Today, there are many kinds of K-something, such as K-dramas or K-movies. Many of them have been a big hit in video streaming services like NETFLIX, through which the government get more revenues from overseas. I guess Korean movies will become more popular in foreign countries in the future. More people abroad are becoming interested in K-culture. The number of tourists to Korea is increasing.

Exercise 2

Translate the following passage from Japanese into English.



Model Answer

Many people eat comfort food when they are stressed or unhappy. The pandemic has caused a lot of people both of them, because working from home, mask-wearing, social distancing, and fear often have made people feel alone. Even in Japan, a country known for healthy eating habits, people turned to "guilty pleasure" food, for example, junk food. So Food companies began to make such product.

One company did a survey of 1,100 adults. They found that 31.6% of them ate "Guilty pleasure" meals when stressed and 25.8% when tired. Many also ate them as a reward for work or school success. About 47% also said that the next day, they ate less or had low-calorie food. But over half of the men did nothing to make up for their “guilty pleasure” food.

guilty pleasure「やみつきになる」の意味でコロナ禍の中で流行している言葉です。ダメだと分かっているけど食べてしまうもの、例えば、ジャンクフードが代表例。「チートミール」とも呼ばれます。「やみつきになる」食べ物と「チートミール」は同じ表現を使ってOKです。

Exercise 3

Translate the following passage from Japanese into English.



Model Answer

As the weather gets colder here in Japan, many people like to go to a hot spring to warm up. But humans aren't the only ones enjoying a soak. A zoo in Izu in central Japan is providing a hot bath for their 15 capybaras. The custom began when the keepers spotted some relaxing in a puddle of hot water that was meant to be used to clean their enclosure.

The animal is the world's largest rodent, and native to tropical regions of South America. Ten babies were born this year between August and October. This week, they took their first bath filled with citrus fruit, called ONIYUZU, whose scent is said to have a relaxing effect. A family visiting this place said that they were so cute, or that they wanted to take a bath with them. From time to time, all the capybaras share the bath, but at other times, just one of them enjoys a solitary soak. Anyway, I wish I could be them!

Exercise 4

Translate the following passage from Japanese into English.



Model Answer

A test has begun using leftovers from school meals to generate electricity. It involves a small biogas power plant developed by a telephone giant company. Local students such as elementary school children can visit the plant to see how the leftovers are processed. This activity is for nothing. I hear(d) that the biogas plant is capable of generating electricity for 30 households per day from one ton of food scraps. Plants fertilizer, which is a byproduct of the process, is given to plants.

It's amazing to see that what we thought had no use could play a role in our daily lives. When I was an elementary school student, teachers or parents used to say that even small eaters should all the school lunch. But I also think that giving up eating is a kind of environmental contribution. However, an average food processing factory produces two tons of waste a day. It needs to pay to have the waste incinerated, increasing the burden on the environment.

Exercise 5

Translate the following passage from Japanese into English.



Model Answer

Japanese elementary school children have used traditional box-shaped backpacks for over a century. The satchels, called “randoseru,” are usually made of leather or synthetic materials. But now recycled materials are increasingly being used, and demand is strong. Many startups make their “randoseru” with polyester recovered from used clothing. It weighs about 980 grams, much lighter than leather satchels. The orders have been more than three times higher than the monthly average for conventional version. 

Elementary school students have difficulty carrying heavy baggage every single day. Their textbooks cannot be left in their classroom. The Japanese government encourage all the school to be more digitized, but there are still tons of paper-based textbooks. I wonder if the subsidy has been used properly. This is partly because teachers’ salary is still low. That’s why this eco-friendly satchel is attracting me. It is important to be light rather than to be environmentally friendly because I have an elementary school kid.

Exercise 6

Translate the following passage from Japanese into English.




Model Answer

 The legal age of majority was lowered. Young people aged 18 and 19 are regarded as adults. The teens will still have to wait until they're 20 to drink, smoke, or gamble. But they make many adult decisions without their parents. That includes getting a credit card or taking out a loan.

 The change has some people worried that fraudsters will use this opportunity to prey on young victims. Some university freshmen say they don't feel like they've become an adult at all. Such lack of awareness could result in them getting involved in some crimes.

 But Japan has to address an aging society, declining birth rate, and shortage of workers. The government hopes that lowering the legal age of adulthood will encourage teens to take a more active role in society. “Coming-of-age” is no longer just a rite of passage.
