ライティング/作文 大学受験

自由英作文Model Answer【幸福な人生にとって重要なものは?】(2022熊本大)



Read the following article and then write a paragraph explaining your answers to the questions below it. You may write up to 100 words. Count the number of words and put the number in the box provided. Do not count punctuation such as periods and commas as words.

What Makes a Good Life?

What makes a good life? Is it money, fane, or something else? A group of researchers at an American university set out to explore this topic in 1938. They tracked the lives of 724 men from age 19 until their mid-nineties. The men came from a diverse range of social and economic backgrounds. Every two years, the men were contacted with questions about their health, their jobs, and their families. In a recent presentation, Dr Robert Waldinger, the director of the study, concluded that it is not money of fame, but good relationships that are the most important factor for a happy life.

The study concluded that good relationships are the most important factor for a happy life, but what is the most important factor for you, and why? Do you think this will change as you grow older?



1 幸福な人生にとって最重要な要素
2 その理由
3 その考えは年をとると変化すると思うか
4 3の理由

3は設問を額面通りに受けとってしまうと、4の抜けが発生します。Do you think ...?ですから、その答えは書き手にとっての「主張」となります。英語では「主張」や「主観文や新情報など重要な情報」を提示した場合は「サポート」(具体例や理由などの論証部分)が必須となります。アウトライン作成段階で4についても必ず考えておきましょう。

また、1パラグラフ構成の指定となっているためパラグラフを分けないように気をつけてください(なお熊本大は前年までパラグラフ分けをすることを暗示した設問形式になっていました。2021年では解答用紙にIntroductory Paragraphが記載されてその続きを80 wordsで書くというものでした)。

マインドマップ サンプル

(2-3min を想定)

アウトライン(構成メモ) サンプル

S1'病気をしない = 仕事継続
S1''金 →家、衣服 etc.
S2''ハーバードの研究:人間関係=happy lifeの主要素
C年を取るほどに健康への意識が高まっていくもの →意見は変わらない

Model Answer 解答例

The most significant factor for a happy life is health for the following two reasons. First, good health will allow us to earn enough money to live a comfortable life, because it helps us keep working.  Money gives us something that makes my life happier. Second, having good health leads to building better relationships because it increases chances to get to know more people. Research says good relationships are the most important component for happiness. Therefore, health is essential for satisfaction in life. As people get older, the awareness of health grows. So, my opinion will not change for good.(100 words)

Model Answer (指定語数を150に置き換えた場合)


The most significant factor for a happy life is health for the following two reasons. First, keeping good health will enable us to earn enough money to live a comfortable life. It is because being healthy means that we can keep working.  Money allows us to buy something that makes our life happier, including houses, clothing, even educational fee for our own kids. The second reason is that keeping our health good leads to building better relationships. It’s because it increases chances to get to know more people. According to a 2019 Harvard University’s research about well-being, good relationships is the most important part for our happiness. For these reasons, health is essential for life satisfaction. As people get older, the awareness of health tends to increase. This means that my opinion will not change even though I grow older.(140 words)

-ライティング/作文, 大学受験